After three years of implementation, AIA is pleased to announce that two major milestones of this flagship programme, which consists of five interrelated and concurrent projects, have been achieved successfully, in collaboration with international industry partners.
The first completed milestone refers to the development of the new Advanced Concept of Airport Operations (ConOps), carried out in collaboration with ALG Globe Infrastructure Advisors SLU and Innovare. Its objective is to develop new and advanced concepts for airport operations and collaborative management, thus enhancing the operational efficiency in accommodating the traffic and optimising the available capacity on ground and in the air.
The new concept is based on a new performance framework, in line with best industry practices, while taking into account the needs of the Airport Users, and also addressing the organizational structure and technological enablers for the core airport operational cell, the Next-generation Airport Services Operations Centre (Next-Gen ASOC), setting the basis for planning of the next steps, regarding its phased implementation.
The second milestone reached in cooperation with SITA Information Networking Computing B.V. is the commissioning of the new Collaborative Integrated Airport Information Systems, called AMS (Airport Management System), which will form the core platform for high-performing airport operations. AMS contributes to the Airport’s Digital Transformation Roadmap, enabling the simplification of functions, the strengthening of collaboration in data exchange and the effective management of processes and resources.
It covers a set of airport information systems, such as the Airport Operational Database providing flight-related data consistently and efficiently at a strategic, pre-tactical, tactical and post-operational level, the new Resource Management System for efficient capacity planning and allocation of operational resources, the new Flight Information Display System for real-time and accurate operational information to the travelling public and airport personnel, the Airport Collaborative Decision Making (A-CDM) platform, serving as the single common set of operational data during aircraft turnarounds, and other complementary modules.
The completion of the programme is expected to optimise performance through the homogenisation and simplification of operational processes of wider groups of operational partners with beneficial results in increasing the overall efficiency of the European Air Traffic Management Network as well.