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In 2019, Athens International Airport S.A. (AIA) initiated a five-year programme for the implementation of the Action “Evolution into a high-performing node within the European Air Traffic Management (ATM) Network”. This Action (no 2017-EL-TM-0158-W) is co-funded by the European Commission, under the programme of “Connecting Europe Facility – Transport Sector”, which concerns EU's priority for the creation of the “Single European Sky” (SESAR).

Cyprus Airways was awarded as the Best New Entrant Performance at the Athens International Airport (AIA), as a recognition of its successful performance in 2019 in regard to its flights to and from Athens.

During the period July 27 – December 31, Athens International Airport is hosting an exhibition dedicated to the early history of Cyclades, informing visitors on one of the leading and most resilient civilisations in the Greek prehistory.

Providing more flexibility and options for passengers, Ellinair now offers increased flying frequencies between Thessaloniki International Airport and Athens International Airport.

Tus Airways has unveiled plans to use Pafos International Airport as a base for provide better access between Cyprus and Israel, with the launch of a high frequency service to Haifa International Airport.