Lambousa was sunk on February 15, in cooperation with the Department of Fisheries and Marine Research and Larnaca Chamber of Commerce & Industry as part of Lanarca Tourism Boards ongoing actions to preserve and enrich marine life in the region’s seawaters.
The vessel is located between the LEF1 and MV Elpida wrecks that were submerged in 2019 to create the artificial reef, with specially prepared amphorae since added to create further habitats for sea creatures. The MPA also incorporates the Dorida natural snorkelling reef.
Results have been rapid and the marine protected areas (MPA) is now teeming with increased biodiversity; an added bonus for divers of all levels.
It is reminded that Larnaca is also home to the Zenobia wreck; one of the top 10 wreck dive sites in the world, as well as smaller dive sites.