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Cyprus’ Department of the Environment has overall responsibility for the implementation of the Directive Cyprus’ Department of the Environment has overall responsibility for the implementation of the Directive

Cyprus Bathing Water of Excellent Quality

Cyprus is fully compliant with European directives managing the quality of its bathing waters.

The results of a recent relevant European Environment Agency report, Cyprus’ bathing waters were evaluated as being of excellent quality, fulfilling the necessary criteria to a degree of 97.3 percent.

Checks were carried out at 112 locations in Cyprus between May 01 – October 31, 2017.

These placed Cyprus after only Luxembourg (100 percent) and Malta (98.9 percent) and ahead of Greece (95.9 percent). It is worth noting that the bathing waters in Luxembourg concern the country’s 12 inland lakes.

Karmenu Vella, commissioner, Europe, Maritime Affairs and Fisheries, commented, “The quality of our bathing water is a source of pride for Europeans. That quality is due to good cooperation and constant vigilance.”