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Finds include these Mycenaean vessels Finds include these Mycenaean vessels

Swedish Archaeologists Explore Dromolaxia – Vyzakia

A Swedish archaeology team headed by Peter Fischer, professor, University of Gothenburg, made several discoveries while carrying out excavations at the Late Cypriot harbour city of Dromolaxia-Vyzakia, also known as the Hala Sultan Tekke area.
Working over a five week period in April and June, the team consisted of 27 students and specialists including some trained in osteology, botany, conservation, Aegean and Near Eastern ceramics, and geophysical prospecting.
The results from the excavations, which began in 2010, verified earlier observations that the nature of the largest city quarter so far discovered at Hala Sultan Tekke was mainly industrial but also domestic.
As well as tomb containing 13 skeletons, finds at the site include plenty of local wares and numerous imports from the Aegean, the Levant and Egypt.