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Launch of the European Project ‘Empowering Culture through Business’

The Nicosia Chamber of Commerce and Industry (NCCI) announced the launching of the project ‘Empowering Culture through Business: Introducing Business Academies for Culture and Creative Young Professionals in rural and remote areas.’ NCCI will be the leading partner.


The project, which is funded under Key Action 2 of the Erasmus+ Programme, aims to the development and enhancement of skills of the Culture and Creative Young Professionals (CCYPs) living and working in rural and remote areas.


More specifically, through focus group and field research that will be carried out, the partners will identify the necessary skills that young people are required to have to increase their work skills and employment opportunities as well as to develop business activities in the cultural and creative sector with an emphasis on the use of tools for access to finance, digitisation and digital marketing.


To achieve the goal, the consortium will establish business academies aimed at educating young people through innovative training programmes with the involvement of specialists and professionals from the business and cultural sectors. For doing so, a survey has been published for finding key results on particular needs that CCYPs have for further training that will enhance their employability.


The culmination of the efforts of the partners under this project will be the creation and development, in a sustainable manner, of a prototype HUB in a remote, non-urban area in the Nicosia district. The HUB will provide the necessary support to young people for their professional development and especially access to funding tools to support their work. The creation of the original HUB and its sustainable development guide, aim to be a remarkable tool of development policy for local authorities and a best practice for remote communities.


In short, the project seeks to cultivate entrepreneurship, business innovation and extroversion, which are essential tools for maintaining and increasing the youth population in non-urban, rural and remote areas for balanced territorial development.


The project started in January of this year and it will be implemented until July 2024 with a total budget of EUR207,445.00. The consortium comprises of 6 partners: the Nicosia Chamber of Commerce and Industry (coordinator), the European Office of Cyprus, Matera Hub (Italy), Danmar Computers (Poland), the Company of Research, Education, Innovation and Development of the North Aegean Region (Greece) and the training consulting company Catro (Bulgaria).