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Cyprus and the UAE to establish Comprehensive Strategic Partnership Cyprus and the UAE to establish Comprehensive Strategic Partnership

Cyprus and the UAE to Establish Comprehensive Strategic Partnership

Building upon the successful legacy of their strong and long-standing bilateral ties, and based on the outcomes of the first Meeting of the Joint Committee between the Government of the Republic of Cyprus and the Government of the United Arab Emirates (UAE) on  November 11, 2020, it has been decided to establish a  Comprehensive Strategic Partnership between both countries, with the aim of  elevating their current bilateral relations to new and strategic heights, amplifying and deepening existing areas of cooperation, and exploring new avenues of collaboration in various fields.

Through the Comprehensive Strategic Partnership, the Republic of Cyprus and the UAE will further advance their cooperation in fields of mutual and strategic interest and build on the agreements and memoranda of understanding signed between the two countries since the establishment of their relations.

The Comprehensive Strategic Partnership will focus on the following pillars: (1) Political Cooperation, (2) Defence and Military Cooperation, (3) Energy, (4) Trade and Investments (5) Tourism and Culture (6) Education, Science and Technology, (7) Shipping and Maritime Transport.

Comprehensive Strategic Partnership Pillars

  1. Political Cooperation

The Republic of Cyprus and the UAE have decided to strengthen their political dialogue and strategic consultations, and to increase their alignment on regional and international issues of mutual interest, with the objectives of further promoting peace, security, and stability in their respective regions. Both sides underline the importance of holding political consultations regularly.

The Republic of Cyprus and the UAE stress the importance of increasing the frequency of visits of officials of the two countries at all levels, recognising that such visits serve and promote the goals of their Comprehensive Strategic Partnership. Both sides recognise the importance of facilitating the development of closer parliamentary ties between the two nations, increasing the frequency of high- level visits and exchanges.

  1. Defence and Military Cooperation

The Republic of Cyprus and the UAE will work on promoting military cooperation in the fields of training, education, exchange of experiences, visits, conferences and relevant seminars.

  1. Energy

The Republic of Cyprus and the UAE will promote their cooperation in the field of Energy, including through their coordination on issues like electricity networks, electricity markets, the integration of renewable energy sources and energy saving and efficiency.

Furthermore, the two countries will consider investment opportunities related to the hydrocarbons sector and renewable energy. 

  1. Trade and Investment

The Republic of Cyprus and the UAE have committed to further advancing their economic relationship in order to enhance bilateral trade and investment through a number of actions including the exchange of information on trade and investment opportunities in both countries, the exchange of best practices as regards the creation of favorable investment conditions, the encouragement of contacts between the business communities of the two countries through exchange of business and trade delegations by the respective Chambers of Commerce, investment missions, as well as fora and workshops on areas of common interest.

In this framework, the competent investment authorities of the two countries will explore potential opportunities for cooperation, including large-scale investment projects in strategic economic sectors such as tourism and hospitality, energy (including renewables) and other large infrastructure projects.

  1. Tourism and Culture

1) The Republic of Cyprus and the UAE will further enhance their cooperation in the field of tourism, recognizing that the exchange of tourists contributes to a better understanding of the peoples, history, customs and traditions of the two nations.

2) In this respect, both sides will facilitate discussions to provide additional flights and seats to accommodate the increasing demand in the active tourist seasons between the two countries.

3) Both sides will also exchange experiences in regards to both the organisational and legislative aspects of tourism,

  1. Encourage the promotion of bilateral investment in tourism projects,
  2. Encourage the development of tourism products that benefit both countries and,
  3. Encourage contacts and cooperation between tourism companies of the two countries through workshops, marketing events and festivals.

4) Both sides strengthen their collaboration within the framework of the World Tourism Organization (UNWTO), and other tourism related international organizations to which they are both members.

 Both sides expressed their interest in developing bilateral co-operation in the fields of culture and youth through discussions and meetings to strengthen cultural exchange between the two countries. 

  1. Education, Science and Technology

The Republic of Cyprus and the UAE will work together in order to enhance their cooperation in the field of education, science and technology, by encouraging direct partnerships, collaboration between Institutions of Higher Education, exchange of students/academics/researchers and exchange of good practices in the field of Higher Education. They will also work to enhance cooperation in the field of scientific research through the exchange of scientists, researchers and scientific information and to explore the possibility of establishing joint research projects. Particular emphasis will be placed on the startup ecosystem of the two countries, cooperation between business incubators with the encouragement of investor partnerships and the promotion of innovation.   

  1. Shipping and Maritime Transport

The Republic of Cyprus and the UAE have decided to improve bilateral cooperation in the field of Shipping and Maritime Transport through cooperation and exchange of experiences and joint training in the field of maritime administrative matters (flag state, port state, and maritime accident investigation) as well as cooperation in the field of investment and maritime connectivity between the ports of the two countries.

Both leaders have appointed ministers from both sides to overview the implementation of the Comprehensive Strategic Partnership, in order to ensure the full coordination and cooperation between both sides under each pillar.

Based on the outcomes of the first meeting of the joint committee between the Government of the Republic of Cyprus and the Government of the UAE on November 11, 2020 which was held virtually, working groups between the relevant stakeholders and entities under each pillar from both sides have been formed in order to identify and develop initiatives, joint projects, and partnerships.

The present Joint Declaration will come into effect on the day of signature and will continue to have effect for an indefinite period, unless either the Government of the Republic of Cyprus or the Government of the UAE notifies the other, in writing via diplomatic channels, otherwise. In such case, any programs and projects will continue to be implemented until their ultimate completion or unless otherwise decided.