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Cyprus Statistical Service (CYSTAT) announced the expansion of its presence in the world of social media with the launch of its official Instagram account (@cystat_cy). Based on its established presence on X and Facebook, CYSTAT is now reaching out to a broader audience of users through Instagram.
The Cyprus Statistical Service announced the publication of the bimonthly bulletin ‘Monthly Economic Indicators’ for the period January-February of this current year.
Eurostat has recently announced that another peer review report within the third round of European Statistical System (ESS) peer reviews — the peer review report on Cyprus — is now publicly available on Eurostat’s thematic web page and on the web page of Cyprus’ Statistical Service.
The Statistical Service of Cyprus announced that it had recently published the monthly electronic publication ‘Intra & Extra EU Trade Statistics (by commodity and country)’ for January - October 2021.
Cyprus Statistical Service has documented a 9.4 percent year-on-year increase in the number of Cypriot residents taking international trips.