The event was attended by representatives of the media, tour operators and other associates as well as Dmytro Stankevych, first secretary, Embassy of Ukraine, who had the opportunity to learn about the airline's flight schedule.
The event was held under the auspices of Savvas Perdios, deputy minister of tourism, who during his speech referred to two very important issues for the Ministry of Tourism regarding the new partnerships, which are a key part of the new strategy of the said ministry and which will be implemented in 2020-2021.
According to Perdios, the first is to establish relationships with new markets and the second is to establish relationships with partners who are willing to see Cyprus up to an all-year-round destination. He expressed his gratitude to SkyUp, Orthodoxou Aviation and Antonis Orthodoxou for the continuous efforts to create new partnerships, thus helping the tourism and economy of our island.