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In 2023, the number of vessels handling freight or embarking and disembarking passengers in the main EU ports was estimated to be 2.2 million, an increase of 1.5 percent from the 2022. 

In 2024, 93 percent of people aged 16-74 in the EU reported that they had used the internet during the previous three months. Internet use has grown consistently in the EU, with the share of users increasing by seven percentage points (pp), up from 86 percent in 2019.

In July of this year, the consumer price of package holidays in the EU was 6.6 percent higher than in July 2023. The price of domestic holiday packages was up 11.1 percent, while international holiday packages saw a 5.7 percent increase.

In 2023, 9.5 percent of the EU population were unable to afford a meal containing meat, fish or a vegetarian equivalent every second day, 1.2 percentage points (pp) higher compared with 2022 (8.3 percent). 

In 2021, 11.3 million people in the EU were employed in economic activities related to tourism (but not necessarily relying only on tourism).

In 2022, overall life satisfaction in the EU averaged 7.1, based on a scale from 0 (not satisfied at all) to 10 (fully satisfied). The score was slightly down compared with 7.3 in 2018 and consistent with 7.0 in 2013.

In 2023, more than 75 percent (195.7 million) of the EU’s 20 to 64-year-olds were employed, the highest share recorded since the start of the time series in 2009. This marks three consecutive years of growth after a drop to 72 percent in 2020 due to the COVID-19 pandemic. 

During 2023, guests spent 678.6 million nights in short-term rental accommodation in the EU booked via Airbnb, Booking, Expedia Group or TripAdvisor. This corresponds to a 13.8 percent increase compared with 2022 (596.5 million).

In 2023, the number of nights spent in EU tourist accommodation reached 2.9 billion. This represents a 6.1 percent increase compared with 2022 and a 1.4 percent increase compared with the pre-pandemic 2019. 

If you want to start exploring the world of statistics, Eurostat has the perfect visualisation tool for you: ‘My country in a bubble’.